Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Demonstrate your knowledge of digital televison?

Digital television has made a huge impact on the public, this being the change in quality which allows us as the audience to experience the shows we used to view, in different aspect ratios at different qualities and also we have the ability to view them at any time with the 'on demand' facilities. An example of 'digital' making a big difference is that you can have hundreds of viewable channels as supposed to analogues five this is offering much more to the viewer.

Digital TV also allows the feature, interactive to also be used. On analogue all they had was teletext whereas digital allows you to view footage from different angles or even screen split so you can watch two or more things at once.

Also with the digital video editing abilities it is a dramatic contrast as supposed to the analogue methods. A good exmple would be trying to cross dissolve from one video to another. The process is much more easy if you where to edit is digitally, literally with the click of a button .

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